Do You Believe In Magick?

"And watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magick will never find it." 
~ Roald Dahl

Magick in this post is defined as ~ Knowing and using your own pure power. Magick will always be spelled with a ‘k’ in this blog to separate illusion (magic) from power (magick)! Any time you read the word magick or magickal in my works, you can just as easily substitute the word power, or powerful, because the meaning will stay the same. Power is magick and magick is power!

Magick is naturally a part of who you are. It is the right, and the authority, within you to create the destiny you honestly seek. Magick happens when you live your Life consciously with complete awareness, genuine authenticity, and total integrity standing strong in the eternal truths of kindness, compassion, empathy, understanding, acceptance, and True Love. You are a glorious and momentous magician! You have sole dominion over your Life. You can change your Life's circumstances at any given moment. This power within you is highly personal, extremely spiritual, and absolutely magickal when applied consciously to your Life. 

On the other hand, if you don’t believe you have the authority, control, and influence within yourself to magickally change your Life; well then, you are certainly right; and, you won’t change anything.    Jim Butcher said, “Magick comes from what is inside you. It is a part of you. You can’t weave together a spell that you don’t believe in.” 

Belief is everything! It is the master key to unlock your Life. It is the secret ingredient that gives rise to the bread of your perfect Life experiences. Whether you believe you can, or you can’t, do something, you are always right. There is a beautiful, mystical magick inherent in all things, whether or not you choose to see it is up to you. 

“Magick is a gift that not all can see, but for those who can... blessed are we.” ~ Lady Abigail.

Today is Sunday October 30th, All Hallows' Eve's eve. Tonight will be the new moon in Scorpio, and tomorrow is Halloween. This is a magickal time of the year. It is the time of honoring the magickal nature of women in the form of witch’s and crones. The new moon is a time to create a new vision for your Life by setting new intentions and new goals. It is the time of a new cycle and beautiful beginnings. Take advantage of this magckial time of year by bringing your focus and awareness onto positive and loving objectives for your Life. Deliberately raise your frequency and vibration by attuning to the perfect flow of Love that you are through devoted meditation which will allow Divine Inspiration to assist you in creating what you desperately dream. 

The new moon is also about the beauty and necessity of the darkness; dig deep into the moist, shady earth of your spirit, which is full of possibilities and plant your secret seeds; lovingly place all your intentions into the fertile soil of the Universe then tenderly nurture those dreams; once you've done that, let go of those superbly hidden kernels of hope in order to let them mature into amazing opportunities to develop your Soul. Trust in Mother Nature to bring you exactly what will serve you the best and honor everyone's highest and greatest good. 

Scorpio's season feels primeval, archaic, and shamanic. Autumn has an air of antiquity, as the leaves turn vibrant colors and willingly let go of what was, falling down onto the damp, dark ground to be returned to their Mother, the Earth. At this time of year, we also naturally perceive a yearning within ourselves to return to the Earth as we search for a deeper understanding of ourselves. We too must go into the dark, damp underground of our Soul to face our shadows. Melinda Rodriguez said, “Awaken your inner shaman. She is your ancient self; the one who harmonizes Spirit & Earth, the part of you so deeply entrenched in nature that authenticity, intuition, and love surround you. Awaken her from her dream and synchronize with the power to heal, step into purpose, and live as your sacred self.” Within your grasp are the incredible forces of the Earth and Spirit realms. Together they give you the magnificent magick of true transformation. Now is the perfect moment to fully appreciate your innate ability to create Magick! Choose to create magick and miracles in your Life every day by awakening your inner shaman and going back to your roots. Magick has never disappeared from the Earth. Many of us have just forgotten what true magick is, the entire Earth holds such amazing magick if we will just open our eyes and will ourselves to truly see it. 

The secret from the Universe for today is this; declare right now that you will absolutely, consciously create Magick in your Life and it will be so!! Believe wholeheartedly that Kindness is magick! Compassion is magick! Empathy is magick! Integrity is magick! Authenticity is magick! Understanding is magick! Acceptance is magick! And, Awareness is magick! All these traits are already within you waiting to perform miracles in your Life if you will but claim your right to use them every day. 
My wish is that you will always proclaim proudly,  
“I am the granddaughter of the witch you couldn’t burn and I’ll never be too old for creating Magick in my Life because 'the Goddess' is alive and thriving within me! Therefore, marvelous Magick will forever be afoot!” 

May you always be a maestro of magick!

Happy Halloween!



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