Goddess Warriors Wearing White

“We women suffragists have a great mission ~ 
the greatest mission ever known. It is to free half the human race, and through that freedom to save the rest…. 
I would rather be a rebel than a slave.”                   ~ Emmeline Pankhurst

“On October 23rd, 1915, over 250,000 suffragists marched down Firth Avenue in Manhattan, fighting for their right to vote. While some of the suffrage groups present chose to wear colors unique to their group, many of them chose to wear white. Just over a century later, feminists supporting Hillary Clinton are promising to do the same on Election Day… What’s the significance of the color white? According to the Belmont-Paul Woman’s Equality National Monument website, the National Woman’s Party chose three colors to represent their organization: purple, gold, and white. Purple was chosen to represent the ‘royal glory of womanhood,’ gold was for the ‘crown of victory,’ and white was chosen to honor ‘purity in home and politics.’” ~ April Jones

As I stand here ready to walk into my voting precinct, I have not forgotten what it took to make this possible for me. I stand in the shimmering shoes of countless women before me who fought long and hard for this occasion. I realize I am standing on the shoulders of great Goddesses! Brave, amazing, beautiful Goddess Warriors who battled misogyny at every turn in order for women's voices in America to be heard. Being here at this moment in time, voting for our first Women President is an honor; and, it is a privilege to cast my vote today!

Who is a Goddess Warrior? I'll tell you my definition of a Goddess Warrior. I believe all women are an extension of the 'Creator' in the feminine form, and it is marvelously magnificent to be a woman. I believe women are intrinsically mystical and particularly powerful but that many of us hold back those precious gifts by not recognizing the true Goddess Warrior trying to flourish and emerge from deep within us. A Goddess Warrior is in the process of learning to know, to accept, and to truly love herself on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. She is a woman who focuses on her personal growth and self awareness. She experiences a life increasingly filled with peace, love, joy, and passion from within her because she understands that she has unlimited power to create her perfect life experiences bringing into fruition her deepest desires. A Goddess Warrior is a progressive, eternally shape shifting woman, persistently expanding into that authentic woman she hungers to become. A Goddess Warrior is a woman who is not afraid to exemplify her Divine gifts, and has the audacity to live her life on her terms. A Goddess Warrior is constantly balancing the Sacred Feminine energies, the Mystical Goddess within her, and the Sacred Masculine energies, the Responsible Warrior within her. She yearns for balance and harmony between her heart and the mind, between her intuition and the intellect, and between her Divine Essence and her mortality, while consistently striving for compassionate actions in her Life! She is inspired to give to those around her because of her incredible sense of abundance in, thankfulness of, and appreciation for her Life. That is my characterization of a Goddess Warrior and that is exactly how I want my two beautiful daughters to see themselves throughout their lives; feeling adored, knowing that they are truly Goddess Warriors who can accomplish anything that they put their hearts, minds, and souls into achieving.  

This is why this Presidential Election is so important to me. I heard the horrible things that came out of Trump's mouth every single time he opened it over the course of this year, and I am appalled for my sons and my daughters to realize that this man is the 'best' that the Republican party had to offer this nation. They are truly scrapping the bottom of the garbage truck with this candidate. On the other hand, Hillary is no saint. I am not blind to the problems this choice brings either. However, she represents a shift in consciousness. An outdated way of thinking and believing is leaving us, goodbye patriarchal authority and hello equality; a new, refreshing way of thinking is being awakened in those ready to ascend to a better reality. We need a balance of male and female mentalities to move forward and clean up this country. 

Trump represents the skeletons in the closet of our collective unconscious. He also represents our collective shadow; these shadows and skeletons are as scary as Hell and the Devil himself, if you believe in that shit. But, we have opened this powerful Pandora's box and there is no going back to the comfort zone of denial. So, we have to face the ghosts that come out of that box; racism, sexism, intolerance, prejudice, narrow-mindedness, and fanaticism just to name a few. We must deal with those beliefs, attitudes, and consequences that have built this monstrosity of enormous bigotry in our country. But how do we fix it? And, who is willing to get down in the dirt and clean up this nasty, god awful mess?

The Secret from the Universe for today is this; nasty women get shit done! Graceful, Goddess Warriors will step up to restore this country and cleanse the nation of the mess the men have made! Will it happen over night, oh hell no! But, women will repair the damage that has been done because women are awesome at cleaning up the crap that everyone leaves behind! And, our country is in one HELL of a shitty mess!! Will it get worse before it gets better? Hell ya! Of course, that is always the case when you are bringing in change. I would encourage everyone to be patient, persistent, and tolerant while the trash is getting tossed to the curb. This day is about so much more than just who will lead our country. I am very grateful I was able to participate in this election proudly wearing white! Whatever the outcome, I do believe with all my heart that we are on the path of healing this country. And next week, I will share with you why I believe that to be so.




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