Do You Believe In Magick?

"And watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magick will never find it." ~ Roald Dahl Magick in this post is defined as ~ Knowing and using your own pure power. Magick will always be spelled with a ‘k’ in this blog to separate illusion (magic) from power (magick)! Any time you read the word magick or magickal in my works, you can just as easily substitute the word power, or powerful, because the meaning will stay the same. Power is magick and magick is power! Magick is naturally a part of who you are. It is the right, and the authority, within you to create the destiny you honestly seek. Magick happens when you live your Life consciously with complete awareness, genuine authenticity, and total integrity standing strong in the eternal truths of kindness, compassion, empathy, understanding, acceptance, and True Love. Y ou are a glorious a...